Friday, December 12, 2014


Selected students  requested to inform the students those who have been selected to complete the following Medical Test at a Hospital / Clinic convenient to them by 31st December 2014 along with Medical Fitness Certificate certified by the Doctor recommending “Fit for Employment”. The Maximum amount should not exceed Rs.1500/- per person. On producing the reports and original bill, the same will be reimbursed to them on joining.


  1. ECG
  2. Chest X-Ray
  3. Blood Tests – routine tests Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Lipid Profile etc.
  4. Stool  and Urine Routine Tests
  5. General Check-up:  Blood Pressure, etc.
  6. Doctor’s recommendation in writing that a person is “fit for employment”.

The Students are required to bring along with them the following Documents on the 19th January.

1.       Copy of Educational Certificates starting from 10thStandard onwards.
2.       Copy of Student ID issued by SRM Institute.
3.       Copy of PAN Card
4.       Copy of Identify Proof issued by any Government Agency.
5.       Copy of Address Proof issued by any Government Agency.
6.       3 Passport Photographs.